This morning I was reading my daily Bible reading and it was partly on Exodus eight. Verse nine and ten have always interested me. Moses made a powerful statement, “The honor is yours to tell me: when shall I entreat for you and your servants and your people, that the frogs be destroyed from you and your houses, that they may be left only in the Nile?” Pharaoh replied like so many I have known in my lifetime. “Tomorrow”. Moses replied, “May it be according to your word, that you may know that there is no one like the Lord our God.”

The honor is ours to speak correctly and in line with God’s Word for our lives. Today we are celebrating the life of one of our seasoned ladies at Liberty church. She has been a faithful servant of the Lord, giving of herself over and over again through the years. Those who finish their race in this life well are those who have developed perservance in their character. They make the choice to not spend one more night with the frogs of life.

If we are determined to fully allow the will of God to be done in us and through us, we realize there is more at stake than our own desires or needs. I firmly believe the enemy of our soul is determined to take us out. Sin (or the frogs) is crouching around us, looking for a way to ruin our reputation, destroy our family, steal our finances, stop our testimony and ultimately destroy every plan God has for us. You could say he is stalking us.

Ecclesiastes 9:4 says, “surely a live dog is better than a dead lion.” What does this mean? For me, I understand as a Christian the DNA of the Lion of Judah is in me! The enemy wants to destroy every God given dream and vision in me. If satan can get us preoccupied with the stuff (or the frogs) around us, we are as good as dead. The dogs in life are very much alive. They are only better when the lion is us is silent. If you have been silent, it is time to wake up and open your mouth.

Today, I make the choice to speak to every hindrance, adversity, obstacle or “frog” before” me and tell it to leave in Jesus’ name! It is not too late to make a change. January is almost over. Most have given up on any New Years’ resolutions. I don’t make those resolutions, I can’t do anything without the help of the Lord. It is my honor to speak in agreement with the Word of God. It is your honor too to speak to the frogs in your life and command them to leave. I encourage you to not spend any more nights with the frogs. We are called to be wise and understanding and run our race well.