Doing the right thing

I have endeavored to do the right thing, not necessarily the easy thing. Sure, I have messed up and made plenty of mistakes. However, when I do, I run to the Lord and receive forgiveness and His mercy.  You see, the longer I live, the more I desire to run my race well, this means letting go of any sense of self-importance, having my way or [...]

By |2017-08-14T22:26:20+00:00August 15th, 2017|

What are your good deeds?

Last Sunday I ministered on the subject:our eternal home, Heaven, at Liberty Church in Cleveland .  If you want to hear the entire recorded message it is available on the podcast below.  I am comforted to know some of my loved ones are living in that eternal city. Heaven is a real place but there is only one way to gain entrance and this is through the [...]

By |2017-08-09T23:46:23+00:00August 9th, 2017|
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