Yesterday, after church we had our annual cake auction. The youth and children bake goodies to help pay their way to our Christian camp with the aid of their parents and grandparents.  My husband gives me a budget and I love to bid in order to be a blessing to our children.  I learned to give to others by the example of my mother.

After she retired from teaching school, Mom saved her money and paid her way to the WYAM discipleship school in Kona, Hawaii and then taught in Maylasia and Poland for several months.  Her ministry of helps was “teaching English” in those nations and she never asked anyone to finance her missions work. Her love for God translated in paying her tithes,offerings to the church in addition to sending aid to missionaries around the world, all from a fixed income. She lived a frugal life and at her death left an inheritance to her children and her church.

Psalm 145:16 says, “When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.” Ecc. 9:10 says, “Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.”  Wow, as an old lady I understand it is not about how much I made but how much I gave!  My talk must equal my walk! I refuse to be self-centered in what I want, I need, or I desire. My prayer is for the Lord to show Himself strong to me and direct my paths. Everything I possess requires me to be a good steward.  I want to encourage young and old that come across my path with not only provision, but also help them to fulfill their destiny and purpose in life.  I encourage you to take inventory, the example of St. Francis motivates me today, what about you?