Every day I endeavor to close my rings. Last year I celebrated my birthday and bought myself an Apple watch. I appreciate the benefits it provides to gauge my exercise program. When my rings are closed I feel so good: over 10,000 steps, five miles walked, and thirty + minutes of continual movement.
However, I feel even better when I close my spiritual rings. For instance, I use my YWAM planner to read my Bible through every year. Before New Years’ Eve I want my daily bible reading “ring” closed. In addition, at the end of every day I want to close my ring of prayer. To me this includes praying for those in positions of authority in government, the church and my family.
So many times as I am reading my Bible, the Spirit of God prompts me to pray a particular thing over a situation at hand. God’s Word is alive and He will speak to us if we are willing to listen. Just as I must make the effort to close my rings physically; I must be willing to spend the necessary time to read by bible evey day, pray and seek His heart. We need our spirit, soul and body under His direction. Have you closed your rings physiclly and spiritually?