I have endeavored to do the right thing, not necessarily the easy thing. Sure, I have messed up and made plenty of mistakes. However, when I do, I run to the Lord and receive forgiveness and His mercy. You see, the longer I live, the more I desire to run my race well, this means letting go of any sense of self-importance, having my way or posturing to gain an advantage.
Doing the right thing is easy when we have proper boundaries in place in our lives. We recognize our place and we understand one day we will account for our actions. The old testament prophet Micah recorded it well in 6:8, “…this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (TLT)
For instance, I guard my relationships with others. This month I will celebrate my marriage of forty-six years to Bob. If you are married, then you don’t have close relationships with other men. If you are not married, it is vital to have clear boundaries in place. I encourage you to refuse to temptation to compromise your integrity and your core values in Christ Jesus by not doing the right thing. As a Christian the right thing is to get married, not have a “significant other”.
The right thing will cost you! It will cost you in relationships, in your financial affairs and your reputation with the Lord. My word means nothing if my lifestyle reflects me doing my own thing. The late singer Frank Sinatra made a song famous, “I did it my way!” Don’t allow his ways to influence you, instead listen to the wisdom of Micah and simply do the right thing. Throughout all eternity you will be glad you did!