Our world is quickly becoming more polarized than I ever dreamed could happen.  At my age I am well aware of how many things are designed to keep me from running my race well. I don’t want to waste my time or my days on things that do not have eternal value.  Don’t be concerned, my head is not in the sand! I am well aware of the events happening in the world today through the continual “breaking news” alerts on my phone or lap top.

I simply made the deision to get my news first from the Lord.  Every morning I spend time in His Word and in prayer.  As a Christian my stand in life is based on His direction for me.  There are so many people all over the world suffering through unbelievable hardships, tragedy, wars, and every sort of evil thing for me to allow myself to be distracted. Too many need help, need prayer, need encouraging to become caught up in non-eternal matters.

As a Christian I am determined to stand for the right thing.  I am a future citizen of Heaven because  I belong to the Lord Jesus.  I am thankful to also be a citizen of the United States.  I was taught to honor those in positions of authority in the church.  I was taught to honor my nation.  I was taught to pray for those who would do despictable things.

So, today after doing all I can in prayer and study I make my stand.  I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back. I have decided to stand for my nation’s flag because it stands for our nation. I have traveled to other nations and experienced lack and poverty among other things. We are blessed to live here.  Where do you stand?