In our part of Southeast Texas we are rejoicing over the Astros win and their right to play in the World Series.  I am not much of a sports fan but I do like to see individuals and teams achieve their personal best. Who doesn’t want to be a champion? Who doesn’t desire success?  The reality is that few of us are going to play on a championship team.

Who doesn’t want to win the Reader’s Digest sweepstakes or the lottery?  But, let’s face reality, unless you are the son or daughter of Bill Gates the chances are very slim. In every endeavor of our life there is one question we need to ask: What does God want in our life?  Is it possible He has designed our walk of faith to include a place of gratitude, mercy, and abundance of joy? Proverbs 24:16 says, “The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.” (TLT) Psalms 34:19 says, “The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.” (TLT)

I don’t like to go through troubles or difficulties!  I don’t like it when I trip and fall! However, I am determined that difficulties, tragedy, or trouble will not define me.  My trust is in the Lord and I am confident He will deliver me.  Bob Weiner, the founder of Maranatha Ministries, wrote the following: “Christian character is forged in the furnace of pressure, conflicts and trials.”

Whatever you may be going through today I want to encourage you to focus on the Lord.  He is with you!  He is for you!  He is making you into a champion of faith.  You are loved by the Almighty God! Dust yourself off and continue to follow His leadership.